✦ exposição e promoção de talentos e marcas!

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attract serve para?

facilitar o acesso aos mercados digitais

Ajudamos empresas e marcas a construir os seus produtos digitais focado no crescimento orgânico

Escolha uma equipa sempre pronta a abraçar a sua visão digital. Quando chegar a altura de elevar o seu desempenho, estamos aqui para gerir os problemas, oferecer soluções para um de crescimento orgânico.

What we offer


Every image shot through the eyes of a drone is an invitation to explore the world.


Every image shot through the eyes of a drone is an invitation to explore the world.


Every image shot through the eyes of a drone is an invitation to explore the world.


Every image shot through the eyes of a drone is an invitation to explore the world.

Sobre nós

Totally Hovering Since 2014

A stunningly simple drone that makes taking aerial photos and videos effortless. Because using helicopters to inspect infrastructure is time-consuming and expensive. We’re the only GPS enabled drone company whose drones can see in six dimensions (so it can avoid those low-flying seagulls and helicopters).

The world in a better place with drones.

- 3 km connection

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

- 15 min battery chrage

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

- 55 km/h Drone speed

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

- 500 gm weight drone

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

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A stunningly simple drone that makes taking aerial photos and videos effortless. Because using helicopters to inspect infrastructure is time-consuming and expensive.

- Thomas Banasz

- YouTube Blogger

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✦ exposição e promoção de talentos e marcas!

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© 2025 attract made with vision

© 2024 attract made with vision